Friday, April 28, 2006

Boss In Good Album Shock

I love The Mystery Train:

So many times I have heard him play one track and gone off to buy (or more recently download) the album, and those ones always turn out to head up my album charts. Special mention here for some lesser known albums:
The trick is that the show gets me to listen to stuff I'd never otherwise notice. Consider the Brazilectro album I just found, and am off to download now: I found that because I was searching.

But I'd never search for Bruce Springsteen. I just do not like bombastic, worthy, earnest rock music. And The Boss has always been near the top of my list of "avoid like the plague" artists. Also near the top of my "I hate these even if everyone says I should like them" list. Up there with Bob Dylan and Radiohead.

But on Wednesday John Kelly opened with a great track, and on Thursday closed with and even greater track. And announced that they were both by Bruce Springsteen!

On Wednesday I thought I'd misheard, so I shut my gob. On Thursday It was smacked. On Friday I checked the show's tracklist, then went off and downloaded it.

And now, even as I type I am bouncing along to "The Seeger Sessions".

Bouncing !
To Bruce Springsteen !
Springsteen finally found out what spring is !

That's the really great thing about music - wonders will never cease.

Now, will someone please try to explain the phenomenon that is Radiohead ?

P.S. That Brazilectro album turned out to be not quite as I hoped: about as "electro" as the Springsteen album. I deleted the folder. YMMV.